Wine Tent Adventure

Dec 02, 2021

Hello Gorgeous Souls, 

December is a truly magical month and I want to truly harness the power of the season. This month I have decided to try and do something that feel magical every day. Today Adam and I kicked off this magical month by doing a Wine Tent Experience at Potomac Point Winery. 

We were literally the only ones there today and it was freaking amazing. We spent three hours soaking in the gorgeous views, eating delicious food, and drinking wine. It was an incredible experience that made me feel so fucking abundant. 

I put together a fun little video to show y'all about the day and to allow my creative juices flow with putting it together. 

What was something today that made you feel abundant as fuck? Drop it in the comments below or shoot me a DM on IG @fierceasfucktribe! 

Love your freakin face,



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