Happy F*CKING New Year!
Jan 01, 2022
Hello Gorgeous Souls,
Happy New year!! I received a question on Instagram yesterday that I thought was so good, I had to write a blog post about it. The question was : what are you releasing? I felt there was no better time to answer this question than first thing New Years morning. I woke up, made a latte, grabbed a fluffy blanket, sat on my couch listening to the rain hit against the window, and decided this moment was the perfect moment to talk about what I am letting go.
What I am leaving behind in 2021
- The pressure I put on myself all year to achieve a certain income because I believed that income would make me happy. Every launch I became so overwhelmed with pressure that I froze and felt like I had to show up to sell rather than wanting to show up and sell. It made everything feel so much harder than it needed to be and I don't want to bring that energy with me into 2022.
- The idea that I have to sell out every program, every mastermind, every in person event in order to be taken seriously in the online space. This year I compared myself to other people and how much they were selling and it constantly chipped away at my confidence and I lost focus of why I started this business. I started to change A life, and just because I didn't sell all the seats into one event doesn't mean I didn't achieve my goal. My ego felt like I had to look a certain way to the world in order for people to buy and that made me not be able to enjoy the amazing things I did accomplish this year
- The constant second guessing, wishy washy, not believing in myself bullshit. 2021 was supposed to be the year I reclaimed my voice and yet I still got indecisive about a lot of my offers which made me slowly lose faith in myself through out the year. I was damning my own launches because I didn't believe in myself. I was damning my own audience because I didn't believe in myself. I lost faith and I really needed it this past year. So we are leaving behind this indecisive bullshit and focusing on self trust this year. I was so wishy washy with shit that I had a year long client say to me "well if you cancel (this program) I would love to be put into (this program)" and that was a kick in the face to recognize how indecisive I truly was.
- The idea of having to be a Human Design Consultant. Hear me out before you panic because I know a lot of you love my Human Design stuff. It's not going anywhere, but I am so much more than just one thing. I believed that becoming an HD Consultant would give me an "it" factor, it would make me an expertise in something because up until HD I couldn't tell you what I was an expert in. That 2 line made everything so natural that when I hit multi-six figures and everyone said "how did you do it? What do you teach? How do you help people?" I just sat there with a blank face because I didn't know. Being an HD Consultant just made me feel like I had something to be good at when I should have just accepted the fact that I am good at it all. I never needed "a thing" to be a great Coach, I just am a fucking great Coach. So I will be changing my title, changing my tagline, and leaving the idea that I can't just be all of me and need to be one thing behind in 2021.
What I am taking with me to 2022:
- Energetic freakin boundaries. 2021 was the year of looking inward and asking myself what needs to change in order to live my best life moving forward and boundaries was the answer. I set a lot of boundaries this year with family, friends, clients and I want to take that forward into 2022. It was hard saying no, setting the boundaries, and than actually sticking to them, but it needed to be done and although it may have upset some people, it was necessary in order to secure my happiness
- The joy from 2021. Although I feel like it was an emotionally tough year for me, I experienced a lot of beautiful joy and memories this year. Honestly, I thought my year was absolute shit until I did my hindsight board this month and realized all of the amazing things I did. I stayed in Cabins, I went to Atlanta for the first time, I went to freaking Disney World, I wrote a fucking book, and I forgot it all because I was so focused on income. I am going to anchor in all of the joy that 2021 gave me and move forward into 2022 with the intention of expanding my joy.
- Emotional Capacity. This year was a rough year not only for myself but for so many people. A lot of my clients went through absolute shit storms, my friends struggled to keep their head above water, there was a lot of family drama, and honestly all of it made me feel really drained. I felt that I poured all of my emotional capacity into every one else and left absolutely none for myself which caused me to numb a lot of my own emotions because I couldn't hold space for them. Moving forward I am going to recognize that the emotional capacity I need for myself needs to trump everyone's else's and that just because they are struggling and in the shits, doesn't mean I have to solve it all, or get so involved that I become a part of it. I need to focus on my emotional needs and this year was a beautiful lesson in what can happen if I don't
What I am focusing on in 2022:
- Creating safety is all aspects of my life and stop associating the idea of feeling safe with the amount of money I am making. I am safe making $1000 a month and I am safe making $100,000 a month. I can not ask for more success and more abundance if I can not feel safe in what I already have.
- My personal growth. I have spent 3 years pouring my heart and my soul into my business, it literally has gotten all of the best aspects of myself, and that needs to change. I need to create balance where both my business and my personal life get the best of me.
- Tapping back into my emotions. When I numbed myself, I didn't just numb the hurt and the pain, I numbed the joy and happiness I experienced. In order to feel the joy again, I need to be ready to experience the hurt and pain that I have been avoiding for some time. This year my focus will be tapping into the emotions I am feeling, validating them, processing them, and communicating them to those around me. It was the whole reason I started this blog, why I wrote the Brad Smith letter, I need to let shit go so I can truly be happy in my life.
What excites me about 2022:
This year, we are completely shifting the Fierce as F*ck brand, and there is no better day to announce it than on January 1, 2022. I have been asking myself all year what our next step was for the brand and although the idea I have created scares the ever living shit out of me, I want to share it with the world today, because it will happen because it feels right.
2022 will be my last year Coaching in the traditional sense of a Coaching container. Fierce as F*ck will be shifting from a Coaching brand to a Lifestyle Brand and by 2023 become:
It will be a massive undertaking that we will start slowly implementing over the year, but I couldn't be more fucking excited to enter a new phase in my life and in our brand. I was going to keep this on the DL but it felt wrong not show this beauty to you because it lights my sacral center the fuck up and brings me so much fucking joy.
You will watch this brand over the next year expand beyond what is deemed possible. You will see us create a safe space for Coaches who want to be so much more than Coaches. You will see us bring in money that makes your head fucking implode, push ourselves beyond our limits, and have so much fucking fun doing it.
In 2019 people told me it was impossible to create a business using Facebook LIVE and a Facebook group, I rebelled against them and created a multi-six figure in cash business in 11 months. It's time to rebel again. It's time to show this world what we are truly made of. It is time to scare the living shit out of ourselves.
And I am willing to fail gloriously because this means that much to me. It's time to go big or go home, y'all, and this bitch and her Generator ass....
So buckle up, bitches
This is going to be one hell of a ride
And I truly hope you strap in next time
Love your freakin face,
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