Discovering the Dark Feminine Energy

Feb 19, 2022

Hello Gorgeous Souls, 

 If you've been watching my IG stories the last few days, you've noticed that I have been diving deep into the book, Pussy Reclamation, and it is blowing my fucking mind. On top of that, I have been deep diving into the interwebs doing research on the concept of Dark Feminine Energy and I am beyond obsessed. 

I have never been able to connect with the idea of feminine energy. It has always seemed so girly to me, not that there is anything wrong with that, but being someone who is naturally not excessively feminine in the way it is traditionally seen, I haven't felt good about exploring the idea of the light feminine energy that tends to be showcased in the online space the most. I don't want to be centered, grounded, all love and light, and shit. That energy just doesn't fuel me, it doesn't drive me. It doesn't resonate with me. I struggle with the idea of light feminine energy because it makes us give up the parts that are "masculine" and those are the parts I resonate with myself the most. 

I loved the idea of letting go and releasing, but I also wanted to keep that parts of me that I felt were strong and daring, the parts that made me bold, that made me stand out, and with the idea of traditional feminine energy, I felt like I needed to sacrifice that aspect of myself in order to achieve some type of divine feminine energy, that was until I started researching the idea of dark feminine energy. 

Now, I am not an expert on dark feminine energy at all, but holy balls, this type of feminine energy is the type I have been asking for my entire life. Dark Feminine energy is about embracing the aspects of the "dark" side of us: cutting people off, sexuality, ego, not giving a shit what other people think, making selfish based decisions, and creating something beautiful from them. 

It's not this meek grounded energy, but this forceful, powerful energy that just won't allow others to fuck with it, and that, my friends, I am HERE FUCKING FOR. It's about embracing your feminine wilds, the aspects of your energy that society has deemed "not lady like" or not "good" and wielding them to your utmost desire. It's pussy power at its finest, folks, and I can not get enough of it. 

Dark feminine energy is led from the heart, it is being open and available for all things, but being unafraid to check someone if they do not respect or appreciate your boundaries. It's a powerful, yet kind energy, that manifests through raw sexuality, being turned on so much by yourself that you turn everyone on around you. It's about facing and healing your trauma, and reconnecting with your divine self. 

I am sure the idea of dark feminine energy has been out in the world for so long, but I believe that things come to people when they need them the most. Between learning about dark feminine energy & the book Pussy Reclamation, I have felt empowered as fuck in stepping into my dark feminine energy and embracing the idea of allowing the "dark" aspects of me to be ok. 

So here is what I have complied in ways to step into your dark feminine energy that I am going to start to explore & if this resonated with you, you should to:


  1. Do the healing work: I mean this is a no brainer, you can not fully heal until you face your trauma. This is about ripping the old wounds open and allowing them to heal  properly.  I tend to sweep my trauma underneath the rug, acting like it didn't happen or that it's "fine" because it happened so long ago, but I have been working on facing them and actually working through them the last few months. It's about embracing my faults while maybe not forgiving others for theirs, but not holding onto the resentment and anger that comes with them. 
  2. Tap into your sexuality & raw pussy power: This is the energy of reconnecting with your desires, your pleasures, and making yourself feel delicious. Yes, delicious. It's about addressing the sexual constructs that have been put on you as a woman and smashing the fucking shit out of them. It's about reconnecting sexually with yourself. Reconnecting to how powerful you are when you are turned on by yourself. As a Generator, y'all know I am obsessed with the idea of living an orgasmically satisfying life, and this type of energy signifies that, because when you are turned on, the whole world is putty in your hands. 
  3. Set energetic boundaries, but be available to open yourself to living life: This energy is all about people respecting your time, space, and energy. This is about you speaking up when people disrespect these things because they are sacred. This is about cutting those out who do not respect them, but also being open to have difficult conversations with those who do so without ill intent. This isn't a guarded energy where you keep people at an arms length, it's a protective energy that you can hold onto while still letting yourself be open to new things, new people, new adventures.  I tend to go to the extreme of cutting people off when I fear having difficult conversations with them especially men. I am  focusing on exploring this energy now with the current men in my life. Having this sometimes confrontational conversations so that they understand how I feel and respect it. It's scary as fuck but in doing this, I am feeling less bitter and angry all of the time. 
  4. Stop giving a shit what other people think: This one is the hardest because we are women are raised to be people pleasers and constantly looking for acceptance in others. I struggle with this one all of the time. I am so great at embracing this energy in my business, but when it comes to my personal life, I dim my light so often, feeling like people can't handle my energy, my honesty, me in general. This energy is about being so secure with yourself, that you do not need outside validation from others because you are constantly validating yourself. 
  5. Make selfish based decisions: What this comes down to PUT YOU FIRST. As women we are constantly putting everyone in front of ourselves and it's about time we allow ourselves that same energy. This is about focusing on what is best for you and your desires in situations that come up in your life. This is all about focusing on your wants, desires, goals, and dreams. It's about you, baby, it needs to be about you, because nothing in your life will change if you can't honor the fact that you deserve just as much time and space as everyone else
  6. Validating & Not Judging Your Emotions: As women we are constantly told to shove our emotions down deep inside of us. We are called emotional, constantly judged for wearing our heart on our sleeves or for literally just showing any emotion that isn't happiness. This energy is about allowing yourself to feel whatever the fuck you are feeling in the moment without judgement. Your emotions aren't "stupid, dumb, ridiculous" they are YOU and you are valid, you are beautiful, you are worthy to experience all of your emotions because you were meant to feel them. 
  7.  Feeling good in your body: My ladies with Gate 46 will understand this, but it's about feeling good in your body always. This can be what you wear, what you eat, this can be trying on new clothes while hosting a dance party for yourself (I did this yesterday and it was so great), it is about doing whatever the fuck you want to make yourself feel the best at all times. 


Like I said multiple times, I am not an expert on this concept or idea yet but I believe this power is worth exploring and I have been exploring it the last few days and it is making me feel EMPOWERED AS FUUUUUUUCK. 

  This is the energy that transforms lives

This is the energy that will transform mine 

Love your freakin faces, 

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