Best Bitch Self Guide

best bitch self guide checklist printable pdf Nov 27, 2021

There are a thousand journals, notebooks, planners out in the world that help you plan your ideal day or they give you tasks to check off and complete each day, but none of them feel aligned with me. Either, I don't like the tasks, or it feels forced or it just makes me go "meh", but I wanted something to keep me accountable and hold me to stepping into the best version of myself this year

So I created the Basic Bitch Self weekly guide. 

I am going to do a vlog about why I picked these certain tasks and post it this week, but what I did was look at my human design & ask myself: what power energy do I want to be in alignment with every single day? This is what I came up with! 

Now this is NOT a daily "check list" that is supposed to be something I have to do, these are things I want to do, and if I don't do them, then it means absolutely nothing about me, my worth, my dedication, it just means that on that specific day, I did not want to. 

The idea of this weekly list is to just feel my best and guilt, shame, or any bullshit emotion that makes me feel bad about not doing something, is not allowed. It's a way to just feel satisfaction every single day and as a generator satisfaction leads to happiness. 

If you want this specific one Best Bitch Self PDF click there, but I challenge you to create your own that feels aligned with you!! I even added a blank copy to that link so you can fill it in with what feels best to you!

Stay tuned for the vlog about how to create your specific best bitch self sheet coming to you this week (hopefully tomorrow!) 

I started practicing some of the items on my Best Bitch Self today and it made me feel really good. My goal is to truly dive in on Monday and will be chronicling (maybe a word, maybe not lol) my daily journey for y'all! 

I am so excited to be doing this!

Love your freakin' faces,


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