Pressure to Perform

mindset vlog Dec 03, 2021

Hey Gorgeous Souls,

 I have been struggling a bit mentally since my Black Friday Sale. It was a bit of a kick in the dick confidence wise and with December usually being our highest income month, I have been feeling this pressure to perform for the brand.

I decided to do this Get Ready With Me video and chat out what I have been feeling with y'all and some reframes/steps I am taking to try to stop needing to perform to make money, but rather focus on all of the magic & abundance December can bring, making me want to show up & sell. 

I hope this helps someone out there that is struggling with feeling the pressure of the holidays, the pressure of the end of year, the pressure in general. 

As always, let me know how you feel in the comments, or DM me on IG since I know the comment mechanism is a bit tricky to work with. If you DM me on IG, let me know where you are feeling the pressure this holiday season, maybe we can chat about it. 

Side note: realized I was wearing the fucking eye masks the wrong way this whole video once I signed off and read the packaging LMFAO

Love your freakin face,



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